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Hunters Gathering: Feb. 2018

Rolling Forward! Hello to all Survivors, Guardians, Younglings, and Kids! We know that we're a little behind schedule with rolling out an update, but rest assured that is because we are hard at work on all of our awesome projects to bring you some fresh and exciting content. Don't forget, we encourage you to connect with us on our social media via any of our official accounts: Hunters Entertainment on Facebook, Outbreak: Undead on Facebook, Kids on Bikes on Facebook, or Hunters Entertainment on Twitter.

Now, on with the update (which we'll keep a bit more concise this month)!

We're Alive: Frontier So the first thing that we'd like to chat about is something we're really happy to be bringing to all of you. During the Kickstarter Campaign for Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition we had a number of Stretch Goals that we managed to unlock along the way, as well as a couple of goals we just didn't quite make the funding goals for. We previously triggered one of the two Stretch Goals we missed out on in our Acrylic Tokens, and now we're pleased to say that we've worked out the details to be able to trigger the other goal as well regardless of the funding - yes, a brand new webseires featuring Outbreak: Undead.. in action!

We had originally discussed with Geek & Sundry the possibility of doing this show for almost a year now, WAY before we started the Kickstarter, and had hoped that the additional funding would help us lock down the show as a reality. But after the project ended - and with the rights for We're Alive officially secured, it would appear they LOVED the idea and wanted to go forward with it anyway! The project was shot MID FEBRUARY and has started to debut on Project Alpha!

The Story takes place 17 years after DAY 0 (the first season of the We're Alive Podcast), where the Eastern States have been recolonizing the world thanks to a decade-long war to push the infected over the Mississippi. 5 Survivors must cross the river, and re-establish a new rail line from St. Louis to Kansas City in order to save others, and maybe even themselves... It will be anywhere from 10-12 episodes and features 7 AMAZING Cast members, including members of the voice cast of OVERWATCH as well as THE GUILD.

If that wasn't quite enough, we've also got a SPECIAL CODE for you to use when you signup for Project Alpha that will give you 60 DAYS FREE! Just use the code 'Frontier' during registration to get your free time - that will cover the majority of the episodes in the series for you, and also let you watch all the other great stuff on Project Alpha!

Do you still want to learn more?

CHECK OUT THE SHOWGUIDE and don't forget that the code 'Frontier' will give you 60 days free on

Kids on Bikes Printing The last thing we wanted to touch on directly this month is regarding Kids on Bikes - the latest of our RPG line. We're very pleased to let you all know that all of the content for the game has been fully developed and is now officially off to be printed! Yep, that means it won't be terribly long now until you have books, folders, and more right in your hands. So thanks again to all of you amazing Kids out there who helped us bring this project to life, we couldn't have done it without all of you!

That is the gist of things for this month, we’ll talk to you all again in March (well, later in March)!



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