Spring Is Upon Us! Greetings once again all Survivors, Guardians, Younglings, and Kids! Now that the holiday is past we wanted to take a moment to touch base with all of you and get out the latest news about all the various goings on. As always, we encourage you to connect with us on our social media via any of our official accounts: Hunters Entertainment on Facebook, Outbreak: Undead on Facebook, Kids on Bikes on Facebook, or Hunters Entertainment on Twitter.
We're Alive: Frontier Have you been watching We're Alive: Frontier over on Alpha? The highly anticipated continuation of the world of the We're Alive Podcast using Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition as a foundation is here! With the first 5 episodes already released, if you're not already hooked now is the perfect time to get in and binge the opening of the story to be ready for the next live "Watch-along" with the cast on Wednesday. So be sure to join Gamemaster, and our very own, Ivan Van Norman as he leads an outstanding cast of Anjali Bhimani, Vince Caso, Xander Jeanneret, Melanie Stone, Alcuin Gersh featuring Josh Petersdorf and B. Dave Walters to the Frontier!
Don't forget to CHECK OUT THE SHOWGUIDE, and remember that the code 'Frontier' will give you 60 days free on projectalpha.com!
Kids on Bikes As we mentioned in the last update, all the content for Kids on Bikes was completed and sent off to the printers to be manufactured. This means the books, dice, folders, and more will be getting into your hands soon! We look forward to hearing all about your Strange Adventures in Small Towns as you dive into the system and get to weaving your own fantastic tales. The team is also working hard to get the PDFs available in the interim, so we'll have more details about that in the coming days. Of course, with that in mind, we also don't really have terribly much new to say on this one right now - though we'll be sure to let you know once everything has finished up in the production chain.
Outbreak: Undead.. Progress on the 2nd Edition of the award winning Outbreak: Undead.. is going well as we approach another major benchmark in the development process - the Backer Early Look for the Survivor's Guide is nearly upon us! As for what exactly that means, we've now gotten the book to a state where, while not complete, it is in a state where we can let those who backed the project to bring it to life take a first look and provide feedback. In this way we'll be able to identify and nail down any loose ends or issues before the product is sent for printing ensuring the final book is of the best possible quality. This also gives our community a great chance to get involved more directly with the development of the game that they helped to fund, so we're pretty excited about nearing this milestone.
Once we have things sorted out with the Survivor's Guide the whole team will shift full focus to the Gamemaster's Guide layout. This content has already been created, so it will be mostly a matter of getting the pages setup and getting the last of the art needs finalized (which does still take some time of course). As we get close to finishing that off we'll get a comprehension pass done on the text, and then we'll do another Backer Early Look at the product before finalizing it for print. This will shift the team focus over to the bonus content we unlocked during the Kickstarter.
That is the gist of things for this month, we’ll talk to you all again in April (yea, I know, later in April)!