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Hunters Gathering: Oct. 2018

Gather Round for News! Hello to all you Survivors and Kids out there! The month of October is upon us, and that means it is time to let you all know what we have going on. Hopefully you're getting accustomed to the new release schedule for these.

Like we always say, you can also connect with us on any of our official social media pages: Hunters Entertainment on Twitter, Hunters Entertainment on Facebook, Outbreak: Undead.. on Facebook, and Kids on Bikes on Facebook. You can also join the discussion with other fans and our team in the official community groups on Facebook for your favorite games: Outbreak: Undead.. Community and Kids on Bikes Community.

We're Alive: Frontier Season 2 We did a Season 1 and the response was clear - you loved it! In fact, you loved it so much we were given the opportunity to bring you even more and rail-drive the story forward (so to speak). Thanks to all of your wonderful support we're pleased to announce that We're Alive: Frontier Season 2 will debut on October 16th on Alpha!

Not quite enough for you, well how about if we add in that new members can use the code INFECTED for a 60-day trial! Not to mention you get on-demand access to Season 1 and a trove of other great shows.

Mission Briefings Inbound Alright, so at this point you've got the Survivor's Guide to start your foray into the 2nd Edition, and that covers everything that the players need to know. So, what about the Gamemaster while we wait for the Gamemaster's Guide to complete? Of course we've dropped some stuff in Free Content Friday to help with this (more on that in a moment), but what about some tools for more open free form games?

Those are some great questions, guys, and we've got some answers for you. We're pleased to let you know that a little later this month we'll be releasing a set of the most common Mission Briefs for Gamemasters to start opening up their scenarios in the interim. We didn't manage to get it finished off in time to drop along with this post, but you can expect that to be coming along very soon!

Free Content Friday

The fan favorite Free Content Friday for our Outbreak: Undead.. is back once again this month. This time our offering, The Crazy Cat Lady comes to us from long time friend of the team Brett Lynam! We've always wanted to grow FCF into something that can allow us to curate content from our amazing community and get your names out there, and we're finally in a position to make that happen. So for this Halloween season, be sure to check out this interesting (and thematically appropriate) encounter!

Be sure to drop by and grab your copy, available now in the Outbreak: Undead.. Downloads!

PAX Unplugged

As we announced last month, Hunters Entertainment and Renegade Game Studios will be in attendance at PAX Unplugged this November/December. We'll have a number of things on offer ranging from product to sell, demos to check out, games to play, panels to attend, and more! Our own Ivan Van Norman and Alex Huilman will be in attendance, and they'd love to connect up with you.

If you won't be able to make it out for this event, fear not. We're not going anywhere, and you'll have many more chances down the road!


That wraps it up for this month, see you all again in November!



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