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Hunters Gathering: Jan. 2019

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019 all you Survivors and Kids out there! January is here, and with it comes a brand new year of great things ahead. Before we get to kicking things off, you can connect with us on any of our official social media pages:

We're Alive: Frontier Season 2 Returns

We know that you're all super excited to have We're Alive: Frontier Season 2 come back to finish out the current story arc. Well, now that we have ticked over to the new year you don't have much longer to wait now. We're sure you'll all be very pleased to know that we'll be returning on January 8! Until then, you can swing over and catch up on past episodes now.

If you're the Discord type, consider joining the We're Alive: Frontier Discord Channel and chat with other fans of the show, plus join live watchalongs with the cast every week!

We're Alive: Frontier combines the richly detailed world of the We're Alive audio drama with the award-winning tabletop RPG experience of Outbreak: Undead.. Topping that off with the talented folks over at Geek & Sundry and the backing of Alpha - this is an experience unlike anything else you've seen before.

Free Content Friday

Free Content Friday for Outbreak: Undead.. continues this month, marking the 6 month point of free releases for 2nd Edition. We've already had some great releases so far from our own team, friends in the gaming industry, and members of our amazing community - this month we plan to continue that trend as we begin the second half of our first year of backer funded content.

This next sampling comes to us from Brian Greene. Those among you who like to visit us at conventions will no doubt be familiar with Brian, who has been doing volunteer work for us and running convention games for the past few years now. For the project he has cooked up a brand new scenario that was just a bit too big to contain in a single release - and he calls it "The Generator." Be sure to check out Part 1 of the scenario now, so you can be ready for Part 2 next month!

Be sure to drop by and grab your copy, available now in the Outbreak: Undead.. Downloads and on DriveThruRPG!

If you're interested in trying your own hand at creating some content for Outbreak: Undead.. you can reach out on our Discord, Facebook Page or Community, Twitter, or even just pop an email directly to Alex for more information on how to get involved.

Gamemaster's Guide Imminent

So, if you happen to not have been one of the backers of the Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition Kickstarter you might not be aware that we gave our backers a bit of a gift over the holiday season. Instead of simply rolling out the Mission Briefings we had been planning to drop, we decided we'd go ahead and drop the full (rough, unfinished) PDF of the book for a nice little first look at the whole thing! We've already gotten a lot of positive feedback on that early look, and we're very pleased that everyone seems to be liking what they are seeing.

As you might well expect, we've made some serious progress on the whole process since we dropped that initial sneak peek. At this phase of the game we are doing our finalizing work and getting the last of the art all into place. What this means is that it will not be much longer now before you're getting the finalized PDF onto your devices, and after that it is just a hop and a skip away from getting the final printed books into your hands (along with all sorts of awesome accessories for those who opted to grab those too)!

We're incredibly excited to be getting to the end of the road on the core portion of the project, but that isn't even close to being the end of the line for 2nd Edition. We've got lots of plans, and those extend well beyond just what we unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign - expect to hear some big things over the course of the year if you're a fan!

Looking Ahead

So, with a whole year ahead of us we're sure that some of you are dying to know what all we have up our sleeves. For those who have been following along, you'll know we have more content coming for both Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition as well as Kids on Bikes. Anyone who has supported us for awhile will know we aren't prone to dropping content and then immediately dropping support for that content - we like to explore and grow the games we release! But that is all stuff you already knew about, what about something you haven't heard about?

We're not quite ready to drop all the details just yet, but what we can say is that over this month you'll be hearing details about the next big project we have on the docket - and a campaign to kick off in February! Yep, we're not wasting any time getting back to the grind.


Hopefully you all had a fun and safe holiday season, and here is to an amazing and exciting year ahead!



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