A Little Bit Late So, we're a little delayed this month in getting out your Hunters Gathering, and we're absolutely sorry about that. Thankfully we're here just a couple days later with your normal dose of news! Like normal, before we dive in, you can connect with us on any of our official social media pages:
Gamemaster's Guide PDF Available
So, for all of you Survivors out there who have been patiently waiting to get your hands on the Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition Gamemaster's Guide don't have to wait any longer - at least not to pick up a digital copy. Yep, that's right, we've officially released the PDF version of the Gamemaster's Guide now that we have it distributed out to our backers. What this means is that you can now head over and purchase a copy on DriveThruRPG.com right now!
Once you've had a few moments to look the book over and get yourself acquainted with the troves of content it has on offer we'd love for you to drop by and let us know what you think. You can do this in the form of a review on DTRPG, or even just pop by our Facebook, Twitter, or Discord and tell us directly what your thoughts are.
This also means that the core of the Kickstarter Project for 2nd Edition, excluding the final physical products that are being printed now, which means we get to shift our focus back to the remaining Stretch Goal content we unlocked over the campaign that hasn't gotten to you yet. More specifically this is in reference to the first of our Strain Series supplements in the form of ZOMBV and Chimera. And that's not all we have in the pipeline for the 2nd Edition either, so be on the look out for even more great content coming soon!
Free Content Friday
Free Content Friday for Outbreak: Undead.. pushes ever forward through our first year since the return, bringing us now to month 7 of free releases for 2nd Edition (we're over half way now). Based on the feedback we've been getting from our wonderful community it would seem that these releases have been very well received as well, and we couldn't be happier about it!
Up next we have our second entry from Brian Greene. This will mark the exciting conclusion of his scenario, The Generator, with the stakes being quite high for a world already ravaged by the outbreak. Will the survivors be able to make it out of this next harrowing encounter?
Be sure to drop by and grab your copy, available now in the Outbreak: Undead.. Downloads and on DriveThruRPG!
If you're interested in trying your own hand at creating some content for Outbreak: Undead.. you can reach out on our Discord, Facebook Page or Community, Twitter, or even just pop an email directly to Alex for more information on how to get involved.
The Next Big Thing
Over the past few weeks we have been teasing that we're gearing up to roll out our next big release, and the time has finally come to tell you a little bit about Icarus!
Icarus is a collaborative storytelling game about how great civilizations fall. This GMless one-shot macroscopic RPG begins with a city-nation known as Icarus. Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos - and in Icarus you will get to experience all of this in just 60 minutes!
In almost every playtest the same sentiment has been shared - ‘Wow, I would Watch/Play this Series/Campaign’. By leading players through the sprawling, epic stories of a civilization’s fight to survive against insurmountable odds, the game creates a world with memorable lore, momentous events, and tragic heroes.
So, how does all of that sound to you? Well, if you're as excited as we are about this then be sure to follow us on Kickstarter to be notified the moment the project goes live!
Hunters Convention Circuit 2019
To close out this update we thought it might be beneficial for folks to get an idea of what events they can expect to see us in attendance at over 2019. So, we're not gonna make you hold your breath - here is the list:
Origins Game Fair (June 12-16)
Gen Con (August 1-4)
PAX Unplugged (Dates TBD)
In addition to these events we will have a smaller presence at a few other conventions, but these will largely just be single members of the team without major stuff going on. The above appearances will feature the opportunity to play in games, interact with the team, and potentially some other fun little surprises in there too.
If you would potentially be interested in working with Hunters Entertainment by running demo games at conventions you can reach out to Alex Huilman on our Discord, Facebook, or Twitter to ask about details.
Hopefully you all had a fun and safe holiday season, and here is to an amazing and exciting year ahead!