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Hunters Gathering: Mar. 2019

Gather Around Hey again all, we're back once more with another installment of news for you. We have a couple of things we want to cover so lets get right to it, shall we? Like normal, before we dive in, you can connect with us on any of our official social media pages:

Free Content Friday

Free Content Friday for Outbreak: Undead.. continues ever forward thanks to the efforts of our wonderful community helping us to bring it back. It has been a treat working with members of the industry and community to help bring these releases to life and we're looking forward to continuing this wonderful process!

For our next release we have some content from 1st Edition that had not previously been updated for 2nd Edition - that is until now! Within the pages of FCF this month you'll find details on the One Big Monster template known as the Lords of the Wasteland. Those of you familiar with the 1st Edition of the game will notice a slight change in the name since the original release, something small with some big implications. Things are going to get a little crazy for our survivors out there!

Be sure to drop by and grab your copy, available now in the Outbreak: Undead.. Downloads and on DriveThruRPG!

If you're interested in trying your own hand at creating some content for Outbreak: Undead.. you can reach out on our Discord, Facebook Page or Community, Twitter, or even just pop an email directly to Alex for more information on how to get involved.

Civilization Will Fall

Since out last Hunters Gathering we have since released and reached funding on our next big game - Icarus! We are so very humbled by the positive reception from the community for this awesome new storytelling game, and we're looking forward to being able to get it out to all of you.

As a quick reminder, Icarus is a collaborative storytelling game about how great civilizations fall. This GMless one-shot macroscopic RPG begins with a city-nation known as Icarus. Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos - and in Icarus you will get to experience all of this in just 90 minutes!

In almost every playtest the same sentiment has been shared - ‘Wow, I would Watch/Play this Series/Campaign’. By leading players through the sprawling, epic stories of a civilization’s fight to survive against insurmountable odds, the game creates a world with memorable lore, momentous events, and tragic heroes.

So, how does all of that sound to you? Well, if you're as excited as we are about this then be sure to head over to the Kickstarter and become one of our wonderful backers today!

Reminder: Outbreak in Production

Just as a quick little reminder, the final parts of the puzzle that is the core content for Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition are off into the production pipeline so we can begin the process of getting final shipments out as soon as things come off the line. That also means that we're down to just a few of our remaining Stretch Goals left which should also be getting into your hands over the course of 2019. For those who might have forgotten, this will be two "Strain Series" supplements and a soundset for Syrinscape. Fun stuff to be sure!

Update: Hunters Convention Circuit

In our last update we laid out the events that Hunters Entertainment will be in attendance at over the course of the year. Since providing that initial list some things have already changed a little, so here is a quick little update about another event you can connect with some of the team at:

We are pleased to let everyone know that our own Ivan Van Norman will be in attendance at WonderCon on March 29–31! Be sure to swing by and say hello if you get a chance


So, as winter begins to draw to a close for now we're prepping to have quite the year ahead of us. Thanks for joining us on the journey!



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