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Hunters Gathering: Aug. 2019

That Post GenCon News! Greetings to one and all, are we ready for this post GenCon 2019 world yet? We all might not like it, but of course we are, so time to get back to the grind and talk about the road ahead. First off, just a really quick reminder to connect on any of our official social pages:

Kickstarter Shipping Status!

To kick things off here we wanted to take a quick moment to address some stuff on the Kickstarter Shipping side of the coin since we have multiple project running through fulfillment at the moment.

As we noted in our project updates before heading out to GenCon the shipping process was getting under way and general timeframes were provided in regards to all of that. At this point tracking details have been sent out as well to folks as their shipment is processed. If you haven't gotten your tracking details you should soon.

On Monday we sent out an update to the project that dives into all of the information surrounding this in greater detail. If you haven't yet had a chance to review this please take a moment to head over to the update and give it a read. As always we endeavor to remain transparent with you, and look forward to you finally having all your products in your hands!

This really has been one heck of a project, where anything and everything that could go wrong seems to be happening, but as we've done so far on this one we'll continue to support and work with you all to get through it and ensure you can walk away with all you're owed and hopefully a good feeling despite the various issues. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and we'll be sure to get things addressed.

GenCon 2019 Retrospective!

As you are no doubt aware at this point, the team is all just getting back into the full groove from our time at GenCon 2019 where we got to hang out with a number of you! This year was absolutely insane, and we had tons of varied things going on. Here are just a few stats:

  • 40 Gaming Sessions (average of 10 games/day, most Sold Out with extra players)!

  • 6+ Developer Signings (even impromptu ones at the RPG/Power Rangers Meetup Event)!

  • 3+ Media Interviews (probably even more than that, hard to keep track)!

  • 2 Official Livestream Events (with amazing folks on each)!

  • 1 Major Announcement Event (there were so many things announced)!

And this doesn't event include details from our partners at Renegade who were also completely crushing it all weekend long. To be honest with you, pretty sure there is a lot missing from this list too since there were just so many things happening over the 4 days.

Now, we understand that not all of you were able to make it out for the convention, so as usual we had our team photographer on site with us to capture images of the show and events. That way, even if you were a member of team GenCan't this year you can still try and enjoy at least a taste of things.

So, without further ado, here are a few shots from the convention this year:

Free Content Friday?

Free Content Friday for Outbreak: Undead.. has run for a full year as of last month, and we let you all know at that time we would have details soon on what you could expect for the future of FCF. Well, over GenCon weekend we made an announcement that explains just that. If you couldn't make it out to GenCon (or just missed out on the Pep Rally) don't fear, because we'll go over that announcement right now with all of you.

So the first thing we want to make explicitly clear is that FCF is presently on hold, but it is going to be coming back and when it does it will be more crazy than ever before! Now you are probably asking yourself a couple of questions, the first of which I am pretty confident is "when exactly is FCF coming back?" and you'll be happy to know that answer is: January 2020!

So with the kick off date out of the way, the next question you're probably asking yourselves is "what exactly is changing?" and that is probably the best part of it. When we return FCF will be coming to even more of our games! That's right, you'll be getting free content each month for Outbreak: Undead.., Kids on Bikes, and Icarus! In order to start cultivating that content and getting everything in place we needed this little bit of lead time.

So, that means that all of you can start sending in your concepts via email to see about your chance to write for one of your favorite games! The process is pretty straight forward, send your concept (just a paragraph or so to describe your idea) in an email directly to Alex so it can be reviewed. If approved, we'll pay you to move forward with the development of the concept into a full release. Keep in mind, FCF content should (once fully developed) take no more than 1-5 pages. We look forward to hearing your ideas and working with you on some awesome new content!

Oh, and while you wait for the hot new content to start rolling out, you can still grab the past Outbreak: Undead.. releases on DTRPG for the time being.

Award Winning Products!

What other big things happened this weekend? Well, if you didn't happen to hear at the 2019 ENnie Awards we were fortunate enough to have Kids on Bikes win for Best Family Product/Game! We are incredibly humbled by the overwhelming support you have given us over the years, and that you continue to give to us each and every day. We really can't thank you enough for this:

It is an honor to have Kids on Bikes (and the whole team behind it) join the ranks of our esteemed award winning products. Thanks to you nearly every single product we have released has been recognized with accolades by the community, and we promise to keep delivering you the highest quality gaming content around moving forward!

Even More News!

With everything we've talked about so far you might be wondering if it is even possible for there to be anything more to talk about. Amazingly enough, there absolutely is. In addition to the above announcements, we also revealed that Strange Adventures vol. 2 is coming shortly for Kids on Bikes. On the Outbreak: Undead.. side of things it was revealed that the next two Strain Series (after our KS unlocked ones) will be Deep Space and Danse Macabre! Oh, and did we mention an entirely new RPG coming called Gods of Metal: Ragnarock! I mean, really, check all of this out!

Oh yea, there are so many big things kicking off here at Hunters Entertainment it is hard to keep it all straight, but we think you're really gonna love everything coming down the pipeline. The craziest part of it: that's still not even everything, but heck, we have to save some stuff for future announcements!


Thanks again for taking the time to catch up with us, and as always, for your support on this awesome journey. Now go and play some games!



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