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Hunters Gathering: Oct. 2019

The News Is Upon Us! And hello once again to all of you fantastic folks out there across the globe, the time we all know and love is upon us once more. Yes, it is time to talk about some news. Of course, as always, before we get into all that, a quick little reminder to connect with us on our official social pages:

More Content Available!

Assuming that you've somehow missed the news, we've had a bit of content come available since our last update to you. Right now you can head out to either your friendly local game store, or pop on over to DriveThruRPG if digital is more your speed, and pick up a copy of Strange Adventures: Vol. 2 for more strange happenings to spice up your games of Kids on Bikes. It even contains new rules for giving your kids bikes that can impact their actual stats, how cool is that?

If you happened to miss out on the chance to pick up our Free RPG Day release of The House on Poplar Court you can now grab a PDF copy of that on DTRPG too. We ran sessions of this at GenCon 2019 and it was well received by the tables, so I think you'll really dig this little adventure. The ending is simply out of this world!

More Content On Deck!

For those of you in our Outbreak: Undead.. community, don't think that we've forgotten about you by a long shot. On the contrary, we've got the Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition Annual #1 coming out in the next couple of weeks. For anyone unfamiliar, our Annuals are where we package together an entire year run of Free Content Friday releases into a single cohesive supplement. A great way to package together all of that fantastic content.

We've also got more content just around the corner for you too, probably dropping sooner than you might think, but we'll talk about that a little more next month.

Hunters And Roll20!

Ok, so, arguably this is a big one and something that people have been asking us about for some time.

As of this moment, Kids on Bikes is getting officially supported on Roll20!

What does this all mean? Well, first of all, we have an officially setup character sheet available for use on the platform right now. This makes it all the easier for you to be able to get your games going smoothly right out of the gate. In addition to that, we're looking into having some content available on the Roll20 Marketplace for the community to make use of, with the first bit of content being The House on Poplar Court specially configured for use on the Roll20 platform and featuring official art from that supplement and the broader gameline. We'll be assessing the possibility of adding additional content as we move forward for the brand as well.

For our fans of Outbreak: Undead.. we are not leaving you hanging! We have everything lined up again to bring an official character sheet to the platform and module to the Marketplace just like we are doing for Kids on Bikes. That should be getting addressed shortly after the Kids on Bikes module has been loaded up, and we'll be sure to make a special announcement regarding that once everything is in place and your all set to hop on and get your digital zombie survival sessions going.

Again, we know this has been a big one for our community as of late, and we're very excited to finally be able to announce that we're getting everything in place and ready to go for you! The realm of virtual tabletops helps to facilitate players getting to play their favorite games more by connecting us to other fans regardless of distance. We couldn't be happier to have our content setup in a way for you to capitalize on this fantastic medium.


Thanks for taking a moment to catch up with us, and we look forward to seeing you out there on social media and at shows. Get out there and play games!



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