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Hunters Gathering: Nov. 2019

Delayed News Is Still News! Hello all of you fantastic folks out there, and terribly sorry for the delay. Admittedly, getting this out sort of slipped under the radar, but fear not for we aren't going to let you miss out on a month of details. So, with that out of the way it is time to talk about some news. As usual, just a brief reminder to connect up with the team and community on our official social pages:

Continuing Roll20 Support!

Since the last update, we're pleased to let you know that we've completed the next step in our Roll20 support process by getting the first Marketplace release for Kids on Bikes up and available here! This will get you one of our more traditional Adventure Prompts in House on Poplar Court, originally released as a Free RPG Day special in print, you can now pick it up fully integrated into the platform for ease of play. Don't forget that we also have an official Character Sheet available for use on the platform as well, so you can keep the story going after you finish up your first prompt.

This means things are back to the Outbreak: Undead.. side of the coin, and the developer who helped us sort out the existing content on the platform will be paving the way for our second brand to be featured on the platform. Much like we've already done once, the initial plan consists of getting a working Character Sheet onto the platform, followed by a release to the Marketplace. Not much longer now, and you'll be all set to move your survival stories into the digital space.

We're also currently working on details for additional content support past these initial releases. While this is still in discussion, you can likely expect to hear more about our future on the platform in the coming months. We see this as an exciting opportunity to expand our community choices in how they run their games, and in tearing down the walls of geographical distance in getting games going.

Hunters Entertainment at PAX Unplugged!

Are you planning on attending PAX Unplugged this year? Well, so is the Hunters team. Be sure to stop by and pay us a visit at the Renegade Game Studios booth in the vendor hall to pick up any games or accessories you might want to get on site; say hell to the assortment of team members, developers, and artists that will be hanging out at the booth and around the convention; and get registered to play in one or more of our officially hosted game sessions run by our talented volunteer GMs!

We might have some surprises up our proverbial sleeves for this event, so be sure to keep your eyes on our social media accounts for more details as we get close to the show.

More Content Inbound!

We touched on this some in the past update, but just as a reminder we have some content releases looming just around the corner. First is our Outbreak Undead.. 2nd Edition Annual Vol. 1 which is going to be available in PDF and Print on Demand via DriveThruRPG. We were hoping to have this one available by now, but there were some issues with the proofs that we needed to get sorted out before we put the product live. The last of these issues are being sorted out this week, then we'll get new proofs to verify everything is up to standards and get that available for you to pick up as soon as possible.

The next big one just on the horizon is Strain Series - ZOMBV which is the first in our upcoming Strain Series line of supplements. This is one of the last remaining bits of content from the Kickstarter Stretch Goals, and it is currently undergoing the layout process and getting all of the last art assets taken care of. We're projecting that this will be available in PDF via DTRPG in December. We'll be sending this out to our Backers first before opening the product up to a wider public release. Additional details will be made available to Backers directly via the Kickstarter Campaign in the upcoming days.

Another one of the items supported by our Kickstarter Stretch Goals is also on the cusp of completion, which is the Outbreak: Undead.. SyrinScape Soundset! It has taken a bit of time to get everything just right for this one, but we're pleased to say that everything is now in the very final stages so we will be having a release on SyrinScape very soon for all of you. Again, we'll be sorting out our Backers first of all before opening up the flood gates for the rest of you folks.


Thanks for taking a moment to catch up with us, and we look forward to seeing you out there on social media and at shows. Get out there and play games!



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