You've heard correct. We are announcing the NEWEST in the Powered By Kids on Bikes series.

Instead of announcing, and then waiting several months, then launching a Kickstarter, then waiting SEVERAL MORE MONTHS, then printing - and eventually getting into your hands. We're trying something different.
We want you, the fans, to not only witness - but be a part of development of this newest addition to the series. Join creators Doug Levandowski and Jonathan Gilmour as they build their new game while streaming LIVE on for the next SIX WEEKS as they begin development on Kids in Capes. Starting this Friday (7/16) at 6pm PST
The show will feature core parts of development as they workshop, develop, and playtest the rules for this iteration of the game. But not only that, YOUR feedback and support can help to shape the world as you witness the development team help this game take flight!
Want to learn more? Here are details on the team you'll be seeing on this unique, limited 6 week series.
Doug Levandowski (he/him) is a game designer from New Jersey. His designs include Kids on Bikes, Teens in Space, Kids on Brooms, Duel of Wands, and Aunt Agatha’s Attic. He’s on Twitter at @DougLevandowski. His favorite supers are Ms. Marvel, Nightcrawler, and Havok.

Jonathan Gilmour (he/him) is a life long comicbook nerd and designs games and RPGs. His designs include Kids on Bikes series, Dead of Winter, Dinosaur Island, and many others. You can find him on twitter @jongilmour. Hard pressed to pick a couple favorite superheros, he’d have to say Spiderman, Wolverine, and Mrs. Marvel.

Kristin Devine (she/her) is a game designer and writer. She also co-hosts the podcast Powered by the Players and the actual play live stream They’re a Super Geek. You can find her on Twitter @KristinIsNoJedi

Morgan Nuncio (they/she) is a ttrpg content creator and hype human. You can find them on the podcast Powered by the Players, playing on Huetopia, or promoting their friends' work on their Twitter @SirenaBesos.

Nick Sauer (he/him) is a scientist, life-long comic book fan, gamer and game designer. His designs include several Button Men expansions, Born To Serve, Looting Atlantis, and all of Shoot Again Games other designs. His favorite heroes are Storm, Doc Savage, Firestorm, Plastic Man, and Lady Mechanika (and, for the record, wants to say it was really hard to make the list that short).

Austin Knight (he/they/she) is a game player, designer, and streamer. Currently working as a therapist, you can keep up with Austin best by checking out their twitter @sailorsctaustin, or check out her podcast Secret Histories of Nerd Mysteries.